SunriseBasaltYellowstone RiverSteady Geyser Firehole Lake DriveLower Geyser BasinNorris Geyser BasinLamar Valley Grand Prismatic SpringMammoth Hot Springs, YellowstoneOpal PoolGrand Prismatic Spring Excelsior GeyserBoardwalkBiscuit BasinThe Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Terraces at Mammoth Hot SpringsSapphire PoolOld Faithful LodgeYellowstone's North East entrance Cliff Geiser in Buiscuit BasinMidway geiser basinGrand Prusmatic SpringClepsydra geyser Clepsydra geyserFirehole LakeBridge to afterlifeWinter heat Grand Prusmatic SpringHot spring by the Firehole RiverThe terracesBasalt columns Grand ViewYellowstone River FallsBuffalo in Hayden Valley SunsetLake Trail to the marmot colonyFountain GeyserWest Thumb MontanaWyoming